Thursday, March 13, 2014

Change of Plans

First let me apologize for my lack of posts. The first several posts came easily to me as I felt that they were very practical things that people could learn from. I have since then wrestled with what to post about. I realize that most people just want updates without having to be too nosy so my goal is to try and post more frequently. I feel that I have struggled with this for a few reasons, 1. We choose not to have internet at home as a way to save money and attempting to manage me blog through my dinky android would be nearly impossible along with the fact that I am stuck at home most of the time. 2. I have struggled with how vulnerable I want to be through this. The cancer journey is a complete roller coaster of emotions and sometimes I have a hard time even being vulnerable with friends, let alone everyone that would view my blog. 3. I have always hated writing!!! It has never come easily to me, I’m not good at it and I usually don’t enjoy it : ) lol – those three things don’t really lend themselves to having a blog but I’m going to try my best at improving : )
I was due to have my 5th chemo treatment today however my doctor had other plans yesterday after viewing my scans from last week. He has been having me get a CAT scan after every other treatment, so every 6 weeks, therefore I had one last week. He was able to compare this recent scan to the last one and determined that my tumors have grown 20-30% since my last scan. Yesterday at my doctor’s appointment he recommended stopping the chemo at this time would be best. He presented 3 different options to us including 2 trials. The number 1 option would be to get in to a trial in NYC however we have been trying that option for the last month or so and it does not appear it will pan out for multiple reasons. The second option was a trial at OSU that would be a type of immune therapy, the third option being immune therapy as well. He feels these are my best options as of now. He is making several phone calls this week to see about which route we will be able to go so we hope to know more about which option we will take in the next week.
Please pray for these next options and that they would have a positive response in my body. Please pray for my body in general. I have had a low grade fever for the past 4 days which really almost paralyzes me due to the joint aches and pain. This makes it very hard to take care of Carter at all however I am so unbelievably grateful for family that have stepped in to help. Hoping for this fever to subside soon and without chemo, I may end up with less symptoms due to not having the chemo.
Again we so appreciate and are so very grateful for everyone’s help and support! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to you if you have helped in ANY way!
Stay tuned, I will try to post a more cheerful post of our recent sister trip!